There is no excitement quite like the news that a baby is on the way. One of the first things to be planned is making more room for that new life that will be joining the family. Sometimes it means redecorating, sometimes adding a new room, and sometimes even having to move to a bigger house, but whatever has to be done, making room for more family is totally worth it!
The Calvary Church Family is growing, and expecting to grow much more in days to come because God is all about spiritual birth into the life of His Son Jesus. This means making more room for these new-born sons and daughters of God who will be joining us - boys and girls, youth, young adults and older - an intergeneration family.
I am excited to announce that Calvary Church will making more room by going to two services in September - just 11 weeks from the time I am writing this blog. I have to tell you as your pastor, I am very excited about this. There is no greater joy in the world than seeing children, youth, young adults, and adult of all ages coming to know Jesus.
I am grateful for a great pastoral team, each one of whom is so fully dedicated to seeing people come to Jesus and who work hard preparing a church environment that receives them with love and with the opportunities to grow in their faith. And, I am grateful to be leading a church family that values people so genuinely, and is not content to be a closed church family, but are true followers of Jesus who take joy in every new person who becomes part of the family.
Making more room by adding a new service means that many new and fulfilling serving opportunities will be opening up - opportunities to work with the new children who will be coming to learn about Jesus and be loved by caring leaders, and people to serve as greeters, ushers, prayer response leaders, and hospitality team members, and more.
During July our Series will be: “Make Room by Serving”. I will be sharing about the joy of discovering and using your spiritual gifts in serving. We are blessed with so many who are serving already. Perhaps you have not yet found your place. This will be an opportunity for you to grow by serving - the most effective way to grow in your faith!
So, Calvary Family, spread the word, begin inviting family and friends, and get ready to make room. And, If you are reading this blog as you are checking out Calvary Church, we would love to meet you when you visit.
-Pastor Jim